Monday, March 22, 2010

Caleb and Easton both ended their basketball seasons the week we left for Hawaii so I am now getting around to posting about their awesome season. Although Easton could have played on Caleb's team we ended up putting the boys in separate leagues. We wanted Easton only play against boy his age. It was also nice to compare the two separate leagues. Easton played in Hartman Sports Club while Caleb played for Ivins city. We were very impressed with the Ivins league overall. It was half as much and the facility was nicer.
Easton was so fun to watch. He was intense. He is certainly not the type that will let other kids push him around. The rule was 50 cents for each basket scored. Each game they played I was at least a dollar poorer. I loved it. Easton actually started to get the hang of it by the end of the season. I can't say that I see a future for my little shorties in the tall man sport but they sure love it.

Mat coached both teams and after Caleb's first game when only one kid scored (from a foul shot) we were all a bit worried. He took those kids though from being the worst team there to being the ones to beat. Ivins league doesn't keep score at this age but we are certain they never lost another game. Caleb played great. He loves basketball and we love watching him.

Peyton was just happy if there was bleachers to play on and a ball to roll around. Now onto spring soccer and baseball!

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