Monday, April 20, 2009

We must be doing something right after all...

So the other night we were pulling into the driveway after Caleb's baseball game. Caleb looked quite mischievous when he told Mat and I we should go lay on the hammock and relax while Easton and he "played". Now, if this had been Easton concocting something we would have stayed close by but after all it was Caleb, and he did give us a free pass to relax undisturbed. We opted for going inside however. It was 50 degrees and very windy. After a while we figured we better go assess the damages. When we came out we were pleasantly surprised to see Caleb washing Mat's truck! He looked like he was freezing! He smiled and said it wasn't cold. We praised him for being such a sweet kid and that's when Easton (who was completely dry) chimed in that he helped too. My day before had certainly been a rough one so this was such a nice way to start the weekend off. Thank you Caleb for being such a great kid and example to others. We love you!


  1. Ohhh, that was nice!!! Good kid!!!! How old is he? Could you keep him that sweet for the next 6 years so he can date my daughter and wash her car? ;)

  2. He's 7. His birthday is the day after your Tyler's. He is a great kid. We have a change jar for a trip we're taking to Mexico. He keeps contributing even though it's a mom and dad only trip.

  3. That is so cute, what a good kid!!
