Monday, February 15, 2010

Red and Pink

My favorite color is and will always be red. I love it in my house, on my clothes, everywhere! So unlike one half of the world that seems to despise Valentines Day I love it. Red and pink everywhere! What's not to love? I'm not the mom that thinks it's lame to make the cutesy little treat bags for every kid in the class. I'm the mom that wishes there was enough time to help each of my kids hand make every solitary Valentine as well as come up with a fabulous Valentine box. When Bailey was in preschool you can bet that her Valentines were all homemade and darling! Now I feel such guilt sending 3 kids to school with store bought cards and candy. I don't think moms that do this are any less of a mother than I. I simply love spending the time doing it with my kids. Whatever gains me points now, I'm hoping I can have some in reserve for when they are teenagers. :) I love dressing my girls up for Valentines as well. When Bailey was a baby she wore mostly red anyhow but with Peyton it's usually pink all the way. We had one day last week where Peyton was happy enough to get dressed and run a few errands so I snapped some pics while she was happy.

As soon as she sees the camera there is always the initial "cheesy" smile followed by me begging her to look my way. Sometimes I'm quick enough to capture it!
I can't put the frilly ribbons or cutesy clothes on Bailey anymore but she did want something pink to wear and her hair done cutesy for the Valentines party at school. I wished I would have thought to take some pictures of her class playing the games. It got quite out of hand and was so much fun!

Caleb had a great idea for his box this year. The kids LOVES basketball so he wanted a hoop. All the kids got to "shoot" their treats into Caleb's "box". It turned out so cute I'm planning on trying it out for sharing time in primary.

I admittedly have an addiction to clothes for Peyton. Some are not necessarily cheap even. It's a BIG problem as our budget keeps getting tighter and tighter. However, I bought this dress for$12 weeks ago thinking it would be cute for springtime and after it hung in the closet for a bit I realized Valentines landed on a Sunday. She was SO FLIPPIN" CUTE at church!

One of her famous faces she pulls! She is still quite skinny from her illness last week but starting to get some meat back on those bones!

I got her to look up after asking for a kiss. Looking at her face I just start puckering up!

Another goober face. How does she make them look so good?!

A quick snapshot of the fam as we headed out for church. I tried to photoshop the remote out of my hand so it pretty much looks like a mangled hand but at least I got the whole family smiling! Is it crazy I feel my heart beat faster when I think of how good looking my kids are?


  1. You are so cute about your kids...I feel the same way about mine! It's good to be a mom, huh!

  2. What a good looking family, you're such a cute mom!!

  3. You do have such cute kids. And you are one fabulous mother! Don't know many better girl.
